The Expanding Family Marketing Toolkit

How To Add The Expanding Family page to your personal website:

(Same exact process as the Beachmaker which is shown in video)

How To Send Out The The Expanding Family Moxi Presentation:

(Same exact process as the Beachmaker which is shown in video)

Step By Step Prospecting Guide:

Expanding Family Social Posts:

Expanding Family Consumer Text Message Scripts:

Expanding Family Consumer Email Scripts:

Expanding Family Business Partnership List:

Expanding Family Partnership Texts:

Expanding Family Partnership Email Scripts:

window.userGuiding.identify(userId*, attributes) // example with attributes window.userGuiding.identify('1Ax69i57j0j69i60l4', { email: '', name: 'Awesome User', created_at: 1644403436643, }) // example with company attributes window.userGuiding.identify('1Ax69i57j0j69i60l4', { name: 'Awesome User', // id of company is required company: { id: '1', name: 'Awesome Company', } }) // or just send userId without attributes window.userGuiding.identify('1Ax69i57j0j69i60l4')