Zillow Showcase

How It Works

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How To Set Up

You can set up on a new or existing listing

Im Ready To Order

How To Order

This video will show you how to order and activate it.

Okay, Let's Do It

How To Pitch It

Learn how to pitch this to a potential seller.

I'm Ready To Order
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Zillow Showcase Listing- Pay Upfront- $400

  • Flat rate $400/listing price versus variable price based on home price
  • Showcase agents win 20% more listings
  • Showcase listings drive 81% more page views, 75% more saves & 79% more shares compared to regular Zillow Listings
  • Showcase listings go pending in the first 14 days nearly 20% more often than non-Showcase listings.
Order Now
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Zillow Showcase Listing- Pay At Closing- $1

  • With this option you will pay $1.00 now, and will be billed $399-$949 at closing based on the sales price.
  • $300k-400k- $400 total
  • $400k-$600k- $550 total
  • $600k-$1mm- $750 total
  • $1mm+- $950 total
Order Now

Zillow Trainings & Resources

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Why use Showcase?

Download The Guide
window.userGuiding.identify(userId*, attributes) // example with attributes window.userGuiding.identify('1Ax69i57j0j69i60l4', { email: 'user@awesome.com', name: 'Awesome User', created_at: 1644403436643, }) // example with company attributes window.userGuiding.identify('1Ax69i57j0j69i60l4', { name: 'Awesome User', // id of company is required company: { id: '1', name: 'Awesome Company', } }) // or just send userId without attributes window.userGuiding.identify('1Ax69i57j0j69i60l4')